You must contact the parish office or Family Life Ministry staff at least six to nine months prior to the desired wedding date. Couples are accommodated on a first-come, first-serve basis. Dates are not confirmed until the deposit is paid.
The Marriage Preparation program consists of the following parts:
A. Prepare and Enrich – Prepare and Enrich is designed to facilitate communication and dialogue between the couple on topics that are important to married life. Couples independently completed an electronic questionnaire. A report of results is reviewed and discussed with a facilitator. Typically, it requires at least six in-person sessions to complete the review.
B. The Sacrament of Matrimony – The objective of this part is to deepen the couple's understanding of the true meaning of the Sacrament of Matrimony. God's plan for marriage is for it to be a way to bring happiness to us and to show us we are not alone. It shows the good of the men and women and procreates children. The Sacrament of Matrimony is a covenant, based on Christ's relationship to His bride, the Church, where a man and woman can fully commit to each other.
C. Natural Family Planning – The only contraceptive method the Church recognizes as valid is NFP. Couples are required to participate in the NFP sessions coordinated by the parish.
D. Financial Peace for Engaged Couples – Personal financial management is a very important part of married life. Building a solid financial foundation is something that starts right away and leads to less financial stress. Couples are to take a two-session, two-hour per session program based on the financial principles of the Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University program.
E. For Better and For Ever – Each couple in this segment is assigned a Catholic married sponsor couple who will journey with them through deeper discussion about the realities of Catholic married life through a Catholic lens. Typically, it requires at least six in-person sessions to complete this part.
St. Faustina Catholic Church would be honored to work closely with you to celebrate your wedding in our beautiful church. Below is a schedule of fees for weddings which is meant to cover the costs of our marriage preparation program and use of the facilities.
The fees provide a discount to our registered parish members while trying to ensure the wedding is affordable and accessible to non-registered parish members. Registered parish member applies to children of registered parents and grandparents. A registered parish member is one who has been registered at St. Faustina Catholic Church for at least six months with a history of contributing to the church through parish offertory.
Weddings and Marriage Preparation at St. Faustina Church – includes the cost of the marriage preparation program and use of the church facilities.
Marriage Preparation Only – Applicable when the actual wedding is being held at another Catholic church. The fee is due at the beginning of the marriage preparation process.
Marriage Preparation at Another Parish and the Wedding is at St. Faustina – $500 to secure the date and use of the church facilities. (A $250 deposit is required to secure the date. The $250 balance is due 30 days prior to the wedding date.)
Music – $200 for the organist/pianist (Basic music)
$150 for each singer or Cantor
The music fees are to be paid no later than 30 days prior to the wedding date.
Flowers – Cost may vary based on the selection of flowers and volume. This is coordinated between the couple, wedding assistant, and florist with the couple paying the florist. The wedding party is responsible for coordinating the ordering and purchasing of any flowers within the guidelines established by the parish.
Out-of-Pocket Costs – FedEx or UPS fees to deliver the marriage packet and documents to the parish and diocese where the wedding will be held, if not at St. Faustina, are to be reimbursed prior to the wedding date.
Clergy Honorarium – This honorarium is offered to the priest or deacon who presides at the wedding ceremony as a sign of appreciation. There is no designated amount; the typical range is $150.00 - $250.00. This is in addition to any other of the stated fees and can be presented after the ceremony.
For weddings within and without Mass, there are two readings: one Old Testament, one New Testament, a Psalm response, and the Gospel proclamation. These must be taken from the Order of Celebrating Matrimony. Selection of the readings is to be coordinated with the assigned Wedding Assistant.
Only musicians and soloists from St. Faustina parish must be used for weddings at St. Faustina unless otherwise arranged in advance WITH THE APPROVAL OF THE DIRECTOR OF MUSIC and communicated to the Wedding Assistant. All music selections and songs must be in compliance with the liturgical guidelines of the Catholic Church and St. Faustina parish.
Proper attire should be worn at all times when in Church; this includes those in attendance for the wedding rehearsal: no shorts, immodest halter tops, tank tops, or midriffs; no baseball caps, torn jeans, sunglasses, flip flops or other inappropriate attire or accessory.
Brides are to bear in mind the necessity for modesty and appropriateness of attire for this sacred occasion and place of worship. When selecting the wedding and bridesmaids’ gowns, low-cut or strapless gowns should be avoided or worn with a shawl or wrap during the Wedding Liturgy.
Under no circumstances should anyone in the wedding party or guests at the church, at the rehearsal, or day of the wedding be under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs. Those appearing to be under the influence may be asked to leave the church’s premises.
All in attendance should keep in mind that they are in a sacred place and that God is present and reposed in the Tabernacle. Inappropriate, irreverent, or offensive language or behavior will not be tolerated.
The wedding party is responsible for coordinating any purchasing of flowers with your florist and assigned wedding assistant. Floral arrangements can be delivered one hour prior to the scheduled wedding time. Arrangements may be placed only in the designated areas of the Church, which are:
Along the side of the sanctuary steps,
In front of Mary’s statue
And on the far side of the Sanctuary.
Only fresh flowers are to be used. No plastic, silk, or other artificial flowers can be used, including the bridal bouquet. The Parish Wedding Assistant will be onsite to direct the florist in the proper placement. All arrangements must be removed immediately after the wedding except for Mary’s bouquet unless other arrangements have been made ahead of time.
If you are offering a floral bouquet to our Blessed Mother Mary, a vase will be placed in front of her statue for you to place the arrangement.
Floral arrangements are not permitted during Lent. Florists must provide their own decorative containers and/or pedestals. Couples may opt to gift their floral arrangements to the Church for weekend liturgies.
Aisle runners, pew flowers/bows, candles/lanterns with live flames, and the scattering of flower petals are not allowed for safety reasons. Throwing rice, birdseed, bubbles, confetti, etc., outdoors after the celebration is also prohibited. Flower girls are not permitted to throw any fresh petals or fabric petals.
Care and respect for the Church, as a place of worship and house of God, is to be exercised at all times. It is the responsibility of the bride and groom to see that the following are observed by the wedding party and their guests:
Food or drink is not to be brought inside the Church.
There are to be absolutely no alcoholic beverages or non-prescribed drugs on Church property; this includes the parking lot. Anyone suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Consuming alcoholic beverages before the ceremony is highly discouraged.
The Church campus is a non-smoking campus.
Concealed handguns, knives, and other weapons are prohibited anywhere on the Church campus, inside the Church, and in all Church buildings.
Guests should be instructed in advance to silence cell phones when inside the Church.
A Parish Wedding Assistant will be assigned approximately two months or so before the wedding to work with the couple in preparation for the wedding day. The Wedding Assistant is the responsible person for coordinating the rehearsal and on the wedding day to ensure the celebrations proceed reverently, promptly, and according to our guidelines. They are the church representative in charge.
Professional Wedding Coordinators are not permitted to engage in the rehearsal, direct any activity of the day of the wedding while at the church, and are to defer any questions or comments to the Wedding Assistant.
The photographer and videographer are to be informed of the following parish guidelines by the bride and groom prior to the wedding. They must agree to comply with the parish’s guidelines; their failure to do so will result in asking them to cease photographing and leave the Church immediately.
Photography and video may begin in the Church and/or on the grounds 1 hour prior to the commencement of the ceremony.
The photographer and videographer must check in with the Parish Wedding Assistant upon arrival at the Church.
The Parish Wedding Assistant will remind the photographers of their designated areas. They are never allowed in the sanctuary or on the sanctuary steps.
At all times during the liturgy, they should strive to be unobtrusive.
Once the ceremony has begun, they are not to move about the Church.
Each couple has use of the Church for 1 hour before the scheduled wedding time and 30 minutes after the ceremony is concluded. This may result in only a brief time for photographs after the actual ceremony. There can be no deviation from this time frame.
There is to be no artificial lighting or flash photography during the ceremony.
The bridal procession is not to be interrupted once the ceremony has begun.
All photos are to be respectful of the sacred celebration and space; no inappropriate poses.
Children are always welcome in Church; however, little ones often find it difficult to sit quietly for long periods of time. If young children become disruptive, you may be asked to take them to the Narthex or outdoors until they have calmed down. This avoids disruption and distraction during the wedding celebration. Flower Girls and Ring Bearers should be above the age of five.
Wedding rehearsals and wedding ceremonies are expected to start at the agreed-upon start time. The groom's and bride's responsibility is to ensure the wedding party arrives on time. Rehearsals that are 30 minutes or more late will be subject to being canceled. Wedding parties must arrive approximately ONE hour before the planned starting time on the wedding ceremony day.
A non-Catholic bride or groom is not required to become a member of the Catholic faith in order to marry a Catholic in the Catholic Church. Non-Catholics are invited to learn more about the Catholic faith by participating in various adult formation programs offered by the parish. For more information, contact Faith Formation at the parish.